void | mip::C::mip_dispatch_handler_init_packet_handler (mip_dispatch_handler *handler, uint8_t descriptor_set, bool post_callback, mip_dispatch_packet_callback callback, void *user_data) |
| Initialize the dispatch handler with a packet callback. More...
void | mip::C::mip_dispatch_handler_init_field_handler (mip_dispatch_handler *handler, uint8_t descriptor_set, uint8_t field_descriptor, mip_dispatch_field_callback callback, void *user_data) |
| Initialize the dispatch handler with a field callback. More...
void | mip::C::mip_dispatch_handler_init_extractor (mip_dispatch_handler *handler, uint8_t descriptor_set, uint8_t field_descriptor, mip_dispatch_extractor extractor, void *field_ptr) |
| Initialize the dispatch handler with an extraction callback. More...
void | mip::C::mip_dispatch_handler_set_enabled (mip_dispatch_handler *handler, bool enable) |
| Enables or disables the handler. More...
bool | mip::C::mip_dispatch_handler_is_enabled (mip_dispatch_handler *handler) |
| Determines if the handler is currently enabled. More...
void | mip::C::mip_dispatcher_init (mip_dispatcher *self) |
| Initializes the mip_dispatcher object. More...
void | mip::C::mip_dispatcher_add_handler (mip_dispatcher *self, mip_dispatch_handler *handler) |
| Registers a handler in the dispatch system. More...
void | mip::C::mip_dispatcher_remove_handler (mip_dispatcher *self, mip_dispatch_handler *handler) |
| Removes a handler from the dispatch system. More...
void | mip::C::mip_dispatcher_remove_all_handlers (mip_dispatcher *self) |
| Removes all handlers from the dispatcher. More...
void | mip::C::mip_dispatcher_dispatch_packet (mip_dispatcher *self, const mip_packet_view *packet, mip_timestamp timestamp) |
| Called to dispatch the callbacks for a given packet. More...