MIP_SDK  latest-2-g34f3e39
MicroStrain Communications Library for embedded systems
Classes | Functions
(0x0C,0x39) Capture Gyro Bias

Samples gyro for a specified time range and writes the averaged result to the Gyro Bias vector in RAM. More...


struct  mip::commands_3dm::CaptureGyroBias


TypedResult< CaptureGyroBiasmip::commands_3dm::captureGyroBias (C::mip_interface &device, uint16_t averagingTimeMs, float *biasOut)

Detailed Description

Samples gyro for a specified time range and writes the averaged result to the Gyro Bias vector in RAM.

The device will average the gyro output for the duration of "averaging_time_ms." To store the resulting vector in non-volatile memory, use the Set Gyro Bias command. IMPORTANT: The device must be stationary and experiencing minimum vibration for the duration of "averaging_time_ms" Averaging Time range: 1000 to 30,000

Function Documentation

◆ captureGyroBias()

TypedResult< CaptureGyroBias > mip::commands_3dm::captureGyroBias ( C::mip_interface device,
uint16_t  averagingTimeMs,
float *  biasOut 