MicroStrain Communications Library for embedded systems
Modules | |
(0x0D,0x01) Reset | |
Resets the filter to the initialization state. | |
(0x0D,0x02) Set Initial Attitude | |
Set the sensor initial attitude. | |
(0x0D,0x14) Estimation Control | |
Estimation Control Flags. | |
(0x0D,0x16) External Gnss Update | |
Provide a filter measurement from an external GNSS. | |
(0x0D,0x17) External Heading Update | |
Provide a filter measurement from an external heading source. | |
(0x0D,0x1F) External Heading Update With Time | |
Provide a filter measurement from an external heading source at a specific GPS time. | |
(0x0D,0x21) Tare Orientation | |
Tare the device orientation. | |
(0x0D,0x10) Vehicle Dynamics Mode | |
Controls the vehicle dynamics mode. | |
(0x0D,0x11) Sensor To Vehicle Rotation Euler | |
Set the sensor to vehicle frame rotation using Yaw, Pitch, Roll Euler angles. | |
(0x0D,0x4E) Sensor To Vehicle Rotation Dcm | |
Set the sensor to vehicle frame rotation using a row-major direction cosine matrix. | |
(0x0D,0x4F) Sensor To Vehicle Rotation Quaternion | |
Set the sensor to vehicle frame rotation using a quaternion. | |
(0x0D,0x12) Sensor To Vehicle Offset | |
Set the sensor to vehicle frame offset, expressed in the sensor frame. | |
(0x0D,0x13) Antenna Offset | |
Configure the GNSS antenna offset. | |
(0x0D,0x15) Gnss Source | |
Control the source of GNSS information used to update the Kalman Filter. | |
(0x0D,0x18) Heading Source | |
Control the source of heading information used to update the Kalman Filter. | |
(0x0D,0x19) Auto Init Control | |
Filter Auto-initialization Control. | |
(0x0D,0x1A) Accel Noise | |
Accelerometer Noise Standard Deviation. | |
(0x0D,0x1B) Gyro Noise | |
Gyroscope Noise Standard Deviation. | |
(0x0D,0x1C) Accel Bias Model | |
Accelerometer Bias Model Parameters. | |
(0x0D,0x1D) Gyro Bias Model | |
Gyroscope Bias Model Parameters. | |
(0x0D,0x47) Altitude Aiding | |
Select altitude input for absolute altitude and/or vertical velocity. The primary altitude reading is always GNSS. Aiding inputs are used to improve GNSS altitude readings when GNSS is available and to backup GNSS during outages. | |
(0x0D,0x4B) Pitch Roll Aiding | |
Select pitch/roll aiding input. Pitch/roll reading is always derived from GNSS corrected inertial solution. Aiding inputs are used to improve that solution during periods of low dynamics and GNSS outages. | |
(0x0D,0x1E) Auto Zupt | |
The ZUPT is triggered when the scalar magnitude of the GNSS reported velocity vector is equal-to or less than the threshold value. The device will NACK threshold values that are less than zero (i.e.negative.) | |
(0x0D,0x20) Auto Angular Zupt | |
Zero Angular Rate Update The ZUPT is triggered when the scalar magnitude of the angular rate vector is equal-to or less than the threshold value. The device will NACK threshold values that are less than zero (i.e.negative.) | |
(0x0D,0x22) Commanded Zupt | |
Please see the device user manual for the maximum rate of this message. | |
(0x0D,0x23) Commanded Angular Zupt | |
Please see the device user manual for the maximum rate of this message. | |
(0x0D,0x27) Mag Capture Auto Cal | |
This command captures the current value of the auto-calibration, applies it to the current fixed hard and soft iron calibration coefficients, and replaces the current fixed hard and soft iron calibration coefficients with the new values. This may be used in place of (or in addition to) a manual hard and soft iron calibration utility. This command also resets the auto-calibration coefficients. Function selector SAVE is the same as issuing the 0x0C, 0x3A and 0x0C, 0x3B commands with the SAVE function selector. | |
(0x0D,0x28) Gravity Noise | |
Set the expected gravity noise 1-sigma values. This function can be used to tune the filter performance in the target application. | |
(0x0D,0x29) Pressure Altitude Noise | |
Set the expected pressure altitude noise 1-sigma values. This function can be used to tune the filter performance in the target application. | |
(0x0D,0x2B) Hard Iron Offset Noise | |
Set the expected hard iron offset noise 1-sigma values. This function can be used to tune the filter performance in the target application. | |
(0x0D,0x2C) Soft Iron Matrix Noise | |
Set the expected soft iron matrix noise 1-sigma values. This function can be used to tune the filter performance in the target application. | |
(0x0D,0x42) Mag Noise | |
Set the expected magnetometer noise 1-sigma values. This function can be used to tune the filter performance in the target application. | |
(0x0D,0x4C) Inclination Source | |
Set/Get the local magnetic field inclination angle source. | |
(0x0D,0x43) Magnetic Declination Source | |
Set/Get the local magnetic field declination angle source. | |
(0x0D,0x4D) Mag Field Magnitude Source | |
Set/Get the local magnetic field magnitude source. | |
(0x0D,0x26) Reference Position | |
Set the Lat/Long/Alt reference position for the sensor. | |
(0x0D,0x44) Accel Magnitude Error Adaptive Measurement | |
Enable or disable the gravity magnitude error adaptive measurement. This function can be used to tune the filter performance in the target application. | |
(0x0D,0x45) Mag Magnitude Error Adaptive Measurement | |
Enable or disable the magnetometer magnitude error adaptive measurement. This feature will reject magnetometer readings that are out of range of the thresholds specified (fixed adaptive) or calculated internally (auto-adaptive). | |
(0x0D,0x46) Mag Dip Angle Error Adaptive Measurement | |
Enable or disable the magnetometer dip angle error adaptive measurement. This function can be used to tune the filter performance in the target application. | |
(0x0D,0x50) Aiding Measurement Enable | |
Enables / disables the specified aiding measurement source. | |
(0x0D,0x05) Run | |
Manual run command. | |
(0x0D,0x51) Kinematic Constraint | |
Controls kinematic constraint model selection for the navigation filter. | |
(0x0D,0x52) Initialization Configuration | |
Controls the source and values used for initial conditions of the navigation solution. | |
(0x0D,0x53) Adaptive Filter Options | |
Configures the basic setup for auto-adaptive filtering. See product manual for a detailed description of this feature. | |
(0x0D,0x54) Multi Antenna Offset | |
Set the antenna lever arm. | |
(0x0D,0x55) Rel Pos Configuration | |
Configure the reference location for filter relative positioning outputs. | |
(0x0D,0x56) Ref Point Lever Arm | |
Lever arm offset with respect to the sensor for the indicated point of reference. This is used to change the location of the indicated point of reference, and will affect filter position and velocity outputs. Changing this setting from default will result in a global position offset that depends on vehicle attitude, and a velocity offset that depends on vehicle attitude and angular rate. The lever arm is defined by a 3-element vector that points from the sensor to the desired reference point, with (x,y,z) components given in the vehicle's reference frame. Note, if the reference point selector is set to VEH (1), this setting will affect the following data fields: (0x82, 0x01), (0x82, 0x02), (0x82, 0x40), (0x82, 0x41), and (0x82, 42) Offset Limits Reference Point VEH (1): 10 m magnitude (default) | |
(0x0D,0x60) Speed Measurement | |
Speed aiding measurement, where speed is defined as rate of motion along the vehicle's x-axis direction. Can be used by an external odometer/speedometer, for example. This command cannot be used if the internal odometer is configured. | |
(0x0D,0x61) Speed Lever Arm | |
Lever arm offset for speed measurements. This is used to compensate for an off-center measurement point having a different speed due to rotation of the vehicle. The typical use case for this would be an odometer attached to a wheel on a standard 4-wheeled vehicle. If the odometer is on the left wheel, it will report higher speed on right turns and lower speed on left turns. This is because the outside edge of the curve is longer than the inside edge. | |
(0x0D,0x63) Wheeled Vehicle Constraint Control | |
Configure the wheeled vehicle kinematic constraint. | |
(0x0D,0x62) Vertical Gyro Constraint Control | |
Configure the vertical gyro kinematic constraint. | |
(0x0D,0x64) Gnss Antenna Cal Control | |
Configure the GNSS antenna lever arm calibration. | |
(0x0D,0x03) Set Initial Heading | |
Set the initial heading angle. | |
Typedefs | |
typedef enum mip_filter_reference_frame | mip::C::mip_filter_reference_frame |
typedef enum mip_filter_mag_param_source | mip::C::mip_filter_mag_param_source |
typedef enum mip_filter_adaptive_measurement | mip::C::mip_filter_adaptive_measurement |
anonymous enum |